Welcome to TurtleFest 2024

TurtleFest 2024 is a remarkable fundraising event dedicated to raising money for turtle conservation and research projects. As the host, Iguanaland zoo in Punta Gorda, FL, is committed to preserving these majestic creatures and their habitats.

This event is more than just a gathering; it embodies a shared passion for turtle welfare. By participating in TurtleFest, you are directly contributing to the ongoing efforts to protect and understand these gentle reptiles.

Don't miss the chance to be a part of this extraordinary event. Join us and make a difference in the world of turtle conservation today!

About IguanaLand

Iguanaland is a Reptile Zoo, Education and Conservation Center,
founded in February of 2022 by herpetologist and conservationist, Ty Park. Our mission is to provide a unique and inclusive atmosphere to interact with reptiles and amphibians, and to aid the future of our endangered species through education, research and conservation.